Corporate Insurance
Protecting you and your business
Life insurance is widely recognized for covering debts, funeral expenses, and providing financial support for families after death.
Additionally, it can be used to address income tax liabilities resulting from the disposition of private company shares. However, life insurance can also be leveraged by your corporation for various purposes following your passing.
For instance, a Canadian Controlled Private Corporation (CCPC) can hold a life insurance policy if it is the sole beneficiary. This approach allows the corporation to use pre-tax corporate funds to finance the policy, which is more efficient than using after-tax personal funds. Although premiums are not deductible, the insurance proceeds received by the corporation are tax-exempt. The proceeds are added to the company’s capital dividend account (CDA), potentially enabling a tax-free capital dividend payout to shareholders. This strategy can help address corporate debt, bolster operating capital, or facilitate the buyout of shareholders’ estates.
Top 5 Corporate Insurance Strategies for Businesses
Estate Tax and Equalization
Key Person Protection
Buy-Sell Agreements
Loan Protection